What is PRAXIS S-10?

What is PRAXIS S-10?
PRAXIS S-10® is the fastest growing Success College For Contractors in history, founded by HVAC industry legends and innovation pioneers Jim Abrams and Terry Nicholson, in conjunction with one of the nation’s most successful residential contractors, Jimmy Hiller. This organization is the culmination of four decades of industry innovation, trailblazing leadership and world-class contracting knowledge.
PRAXIS S-10® is the fastest growing Success College For Contractors in history, founded by HVAC industry legends and innovation pioneers Jim Abrams and Terry Nicholson, in conjunction with one of the nation’s most successful residential contractors, Jimmy Hiller. This organization is the culmination of four decades of industry innovation, trailblazing leadership and world-class contracting knowledge.

Success in farming requires the maximum yield.
A valuable lesson that applies to contracting too.
The story of the maximum yield farmer.

By Terry Nicholson
Chief Success Officer
Growing up on a farm was certainly some of the hardest work I've ever known in my life. Farmer's never take a day off. While there were many life lessons to be learned on the family farm, there is one in particular that has changed my life. This is the story of the maximum yield farmer, my grandfather, and how he taught me one of the most valuable lessons in my life – and how the same principles that will make or break a farmer can make or break your contracting business too.

As the sun rose over the hill, “maximum yield, maximum yield!” echoed across the field. It was as if Orville “Nick” Nicholson’s booming voice was encouraging the crops and animals to grow.
While farm life isn’t nearly as idyllic as it looks in commercials, the wisdom you will gain from a farmer can fast-track your HVAC success. This is one such lesson you should know that “Nick” Nicholson, my grandpa, taught me.
We raised pigs and cows and grew crops of corn, wheat, milo, and alfalfa on our family operated farm. Wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat, I was in constant tow with Grandpa. Where he went, I went.
His daily mantra still rings loudly in my ears, “we must have maximum yield.”
Corn Maximum Yield
What Grandpa was referencing is that you can plant a crop of corn and harvest 50 bushels of corn per acre; Or, you can plant a crop of corn in the same field and harvest 150 bushels or more per acre. What is the difference? Knowledge. Knowing when to plant, when to fertilize and when to harvest.
Bankruptcy or Bonanza
Even as a young boy, when grandpa spoke about raising pigs for maximum yield, it was an easy concept to grasp. Grandpa would tolerate ten pigs per litter, but he desired 12 pigs per litter. If a sow had six pigs, she was placed on the naughty list. If it happened a second time, she was sent to see a man by the name of Oscar “Bologna” Mayer.
This was because grandpa understood that a sow that had six pigs per litter ate the same amount of corn as a sow that had 12 pigs per litter. To a farmer, achieving or not achieving maximum yield could be the difference between bankruptcy or bonanza.

The Maximum Yield Contractor
The reason a corn field resides on our home page is because contracting success begins with achieving “Maximum Yield” – yet, most contractors operate in the “Minimum Yield Zone.”
By applying an easy to follow 10-step formula to your business, you will discover these concepts:
How to take the same number of incoming telephone calls and book more service calls.
How to take the same number of scheduled service calls and dispatch them utilizing a method that increases revenue and decreases field labor expense.
How to take the same number of service calls and generate more service revenue, increase replacement sales, decrease callbacks, and drive down labor cost percentages.
How to take the same number of leads and salespeople and skyrocket your replacement revenue by generating more sales from the same number of leads plus generating more replacement revenue per replacement sale.
How to take the same number of installers and increase the installation revenue per crew, driving down labor costs percentages.
And much… much… more…
Your Journey to HVAC Success
Your journey to HVAC success begins with achieving Maximum Yield. This is because achieving Maximum Yield allows you to purchase more "land" to expand your empire. This could mean opening a new location or expanding your current one. It may mean simply "auto-piloting" your business to obtain more free time for yourself – or hiring new personnel. When you become the Maximum Yield contractor, your options become nearly endless.
As you achieve Maximum Yield and grow your farm, you:
Grow stronger.
Become the envy of your neighbors.
Achieve financial independence.
Gain freedom of time.
Are no longer a slave to your business.
Reap the rewards your efforts deserve.
Our Nobel Prize winning formula has been scientifically engineered and is proven to work. And it will work for you!
Remember, time waits for no one. The future you live tomorrow, is the future you build today.
You have my personal guarantee that PRAXIS S-10® will help you build a beautiful, Maximum Yield farm. Let’s get started!
Terry Nicholson
Read Terry's Bio here
Are you ready to maximize your personal and business success and make your business Contractor Strong ? Take the first step to a better future. Schedule your personal Maximum Yield Strategic Mentoring Session today.
What is a Maximum Yield Strategic Mentoring Session? Watch the video here. >